Military Family Fund Committee

My name is Bryan Benson. I am a veteran of Desert Storm and the Global War on Terror. Throughout my military career, I have been deployed multiple times overseas to combat zones.

Each time, I returned home more disconnected from friends, family and even myself. I attended the Pathways training a little over two years ago and the impact it has had on my life is beyond measure. The training is powerful and life-changing! I now serve inside the organization as a Training Assistant and Chairman on the MFFC  (Military Family Fund Committee). I serve to give back, but beyond that, to pay it forward. I believe there are countless veterans who have returned and are returning home, faced with loss, divorce, PTSD, physical injuries and more. More veterans commit suicide than die in combat. This training can give them a chance to restore their lives. The MFF provides assistance to veterans and their families to receive this training. I believe they deserve the opportunity to heal in ways they never thought possible.

If you know of a military person or family member who deserves this training, contact us today.