Special Missions / Scholarship Funds

Cancer & Care Giver

Almost everyone has been or will be touched by Cancer. The most overlooked people in the care of Cancer patients are the Caregivers, be it the professional caregiver or the family or friends. This fund allows these individuals to attend Pathways affordably and experience the Core Training events that are often so needed.

Military Family

The sacrifices military families make for our country are great, and the effects of deployment spill out on the entire family. War changes a person, and family stress and worry are compounded by the burdens of dealing with the aftermath once the service member returns home. This fund is able to help these families.

Special Needs
Family Fund

Being a parent is a difficult enough job, but being the parent of a child with special needs is exhausting, rewarding, heartbreaking and extremely challenging. Too often families are shattered under the weight of the burdens that caring for a special needs child brings. This fund enables them to experience Pathways affordably.