Teen Family Camp

June 23-27th, 2023

  • What if you could raise your child to be responsible for their behavior and choices?
  • What if you could have a connection with your child that provided trust, openness, vulnerability and fun?
  • What if your child felt empowered and responsible for their own happiness and relationships with you and others?
  • What if YOU felt completely confident to teach them how to truly do life in all the ways that matter and became your child’s soft place to fall in this world of chaos and strife?
  • What if your home became a sanctuary?

Join us for this powerful training for teenagers and the people who raise them. Teen Family Camp combines the amazing and proven Pathways experiential training with the effective and proven Love and Logic training to bring about significant transformation in just 5 days.

Friday, June 23rd – 12pm to Tuesday, June 27th – 5pm

Tuition price $635 per person

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