

Core Training

Pathways Core Training is an experience-based training that helps people overcome the barriers from their past, align their habits and relationships to their core values and design an attainable life plan that elevates the quality of their future. There are five trainings which make up the Core Training, those trainings span over 4 months and must be completed in sequence. We highly recommend attending the trainings back-to-back, with the same group of people, for maximum benefit. Trainees are welcome to schedule their training over a longer time period, as needed.


The Weekend (Training 1 of 5)

HEART. Are your thoughts and choices in harmony with what your HEART truly wants? What we THINK and what we FEEL dictates our behavior. Our unique experience-based training approach will help you overcome the barriers from your past, and without judgement, uncover the conscious and subconscious mental and emotional habits driving your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In a supportive environment, identify your own answers about what you’re truly passionate about, who you were created to be, and the barriers in your way. The Weekend provides the opportunity to gain clarity in order to actively create the life and relationships you truly want and deserve. Training cost is for Tuition only. Hotel cost is not included. The Weekend Training: Friday, 7pm – Sunday 5pm Check-in: Friday, 5 – 7pm (View Upcoming Dates on our calendar – or register below!)

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

The Walk (Training 2 of 5)

The Walk is an intense, five-day journey to self-renewal and healing by resolving matters that are holding you back from experiencing life to its fullest. It will challenge you to accept accountability for your life and begin creating a powerful and positive future. This training will empower you to uncover who you are at your authentic core and set you on a path toward emotional freedom. The result is a rekindling of passion and confidence, a restoration of joy and peace in your heart. You will have the chance to develop intimate, lasting friendships with others, and build a solid foundation for a purposeful life. Training cost is for Tuition only. Hotel cost not included. The Walk Training: Wednesday, 12pm – Sunday 5pm Check-in Wednesday, 10 – 11:30am 

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Partners 1 (Training 3)

OWNERSHIP. Are your attitudes and actions consistent with your core values? Do the things you SAY and DO reflect your real priorities? Oftentimes, we make or break commitments to ourselves and others, and these inconsistencies don’t reflect what we truly value. Taking ownership of aligning your life with your core values requires accountability and personal responsibility. Therefore, each Pathways training is a mix of individual and group work that creates opportunities to practice accountability and start creating a legacy that reflects what matters to you most. Training cost is for Tuition only. Hotel not included. Partners Training: Friday, 7:30pm – Sunday, 5pm

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Partners 2 (Training 4)

PASSION. Is your passion buried under the responsibilities and burdens of “adult-ing”? Most of us grow up zealous and dreaming about ways to use our strengths and creativity to impact the world, but we lose our fervor over time. This training will help you reclaim a dynamic and balanced life, inspire you to RAISE THE BAR for yourself and shift how you ENGAGE in relationships. You will learn how to identify the ways we contribute to or contaminate our relationships, as well as how to establish and enforce healthy boundaries. You only get one life — make it a balanced and passionate one! Training cost is for Tuition only. Hotel cost not included. Partners Training: Friday, 7:30pm – Sunday, 5pm

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Partners 3 (Training 5 of 5)

ELEVATE. Are you seeing the progress you desire in your career, relationships, parenting or personal development? Real, significant change takes time and a PLAN. In this training you will have partners of support as you DESIGN an attainable life plan that will elevate the quality of your future. A focus on building new mental and emotional habits is a critical factor in obtaining success. When you keep your heart, mind, spirit and values focused in the right direction and follow through with SMALL, consistent habits, BIG progress happens! Training cost is for Tuition only. Hotel not included. Partners Training: Friday, 7:30pm – Sunday, 5pm

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Intensive Renewal

Pathways Core Training is excited to offer this next level of training for Pathways Core Training graduates.

Intensive Renewal is a power punched Pathways Core Training experience for graduates of our CORE Training – all in one day! It is a facilitator-led and training that operates under the same parameters as our other programs. Come into the room anticipating the same dose of intensity and expecting to play at the same heart level that they would in our other incredible trainings. We ask you to treat the process and the decorum of the room with the same respect as you always do in the Core Training, including being on time to registration and to class start, upholding the sanctity of the room by remaining present and shutting out distractions, and honoring the crucial work people will be doing within the class.

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Step Beyond

Step Beyond is an inspiring two-day spiritual training which helps you discover your own connection and understanding to your higher power. This training does not push a religious curriculum but instead provides a nonjudgmental, unconditionally loving environment that allows you the freedom to find the peace, freedom and stability, and overcome obstacles preventing you from having that significant connection to a higher power found to be vital to a person’s well-being and true satisfaction with life. Please join us in-person for this uplifting and life changing training! Cost:  $350- In-Person  $150- In-Person Refreshers. Register Today!

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Empowered Parenting

  • What if you could raise your child to be responsible for their behavior and choices?
  • What if you could have a connection with your child that provided trust, openness, vulnerability and fun?
  • What if your child felt empowered and responsible for their own happiness and relationships with you and others?
  • What if YOU felt completely confident to teach them how to truly do life in all the ways that matter and became your child’s soft place to fall in this world of chaos and strife?
  • What if your home became a sanctuary?

This powerful training combines the amazing and proven Pathways experiential training with the effective and proven Love and Logic tools to bring about significant transformation in just 3 days.

Tuition is per person.

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at

Teen Family Camp

  • What if you could raise your child to be responsible for their behavior and choices?
  • What if you could have a connection with your child that provided trust, openness, vulnerability and fun?
  • What if your child felt empowered and responsible for their own happiness and relationships with you and others?
  • What if YOU felt completely confident to teach them how to truly do life in all the ways that matter and became your child’s soft place to fall in this world of chaos and strife?
  • What if your home became a sanctuary?

This powerful training is for teenagers and the people who raise them. Teen Family Camp combines the amazing and proven Pathways experiential training with the effective and proven Love and Logic training to bring about significant transformation in just 5 days. Tuition price per person.

Couples Training

Whether you’ve been together for a few months or a few decades, we all have unhealthy patterns and habits in our relationships. Sometimes they’re easy to see, but often we need an outside perspective to help us identify and work through those barriers to health in our relationships. Join us this February for our 2023 Couples Training! Couples Training: Friday, 1:00pm – Sunday, 5:00pm (IN-PERSON)

Tuition is for two adults. Hotel rooms are not available to add on to registration, but information regarding location and potential blocks of rooms will be made available as it arises.

Interested in a payment plan? Please email Laura Sierra at


Hope Happens

HEART • Identify the truth of what your heart wants, empowered to make choices that cultivate the life you truly desire.

OWNERSHIP • Take ownership of aligning your life with your core values through accountability and personal responsibility.

PASSION • Raise the bar for yourself and shift how you engage in relationships. Reclaim a dynamic and balanced life.

ELEVATE • Design an attainable life plan that will elevate the quality of your future. Real, significant change is possible.